The Overthinking Mind

Atishay Jain
3 min readJan 16, 2021

How many times have you felt that you’ve overthought something to such an extent that you can’t think of anything else now?

Overthinking is torture. To be locked in your mind with a constant array of discommoding thoughts is hell.

Why We Overthink?

We overthink because we are desperate creatures hunting for answers. We like certainty and we like being in control. Don’t worry, it's part of the human survival tactic. Well, somewhat. Overthinking is not all bad. Probability theory requires that all possible outcomes of an event must be explored to determine what can really happen in that given situation.

We know what that is like; before a big event we find ourselves thinking about it so much, we create hypothetical beginnings and endings and even climaxes of the said event before it even happens. In a way, it is preparation, so that we can deal with whatever outcome there is and not suffer from too much of a surprising consequence. We cannot predict the future, but there is a deep longing inside of us that wish we could have.

How to Stop:

It is impossible to completely erase fear. You cannot just “let go of fear”. Meditation will help you silence your thoughts and develop patterns of clearer thinking but you will never be able to erase fear. Why? Because fear is part of human instinct and it is necessary for that aspect of survival and avoiding danger.

However, very rarely or perhaps never will we find ourselves in front of a tiger, and we have to make the decision to either run away or become its meal. Fear then has the power to outsmart the mammal or even kill it.

Stress and emotional fear are different. Fear that attacks our emotions is harder to class as a fear that is helping us survive. So, all we do is overthink. We give in to that type of fear and it stresses the brain to the point of irrationality and in some cases, insanity.

How do you stop?

Pay attention. Train yourself and your mind to be more self-aware. I have stickers on my vision board in my workspace that says “be aware” and “stay focused” and as trivial as that method seems, it helps. The moment you feel yourself about to drift off into “overthinking land”, you can do two things; either be completely silent or start talking.

Cry. Crying is healing. In all of my adult years so far, I found that crying has helped me move past the toughest of times I have ever faced. When I overthink I automatically get emotional and vulnerable, so I end up crying. It is painful and it is exhausting but the outcome is appealing. Overthinking is already a bottle of prisoned thoughts banging to come out, when you cry you allow yourself to alleviate some of the pressure that comes with being stuck inside your head. You ever noticed that headache that comes after crying? It is a pressure release.

Think. Let me explain. To stop overthinking you need to think? Yes. Because most of the time we are overthinking we are not even constructively thinking but rather we are wallowing those worn thoughts about our fears and frustrations. Constructive thinking can change your life. For now, I’ll tell you how it can help to stop overthinking. We possess the power to change the way we think, but it requires practice and a ton of self-discipline but it is not impossible.

You must remember that it is ok to overthink. It is human. But overthinking can ruin your life. It has caused my life much pain in the past and still some days in the present. I am still learning how to adapt to the above-mentioned ways to avail my mind. I know that once I commit to a better life and to better ways of thinking I can return to the lab. And instead of experimenting with my thoughts like rats and purple and blue toxic substances, I can learn the real mathematician way, and follow these fitter methods to stop overthinking. I may not perfect the science to destroy overthinking forever but with this approach, I can get nearer to a healthier and happier mind that withstands even the harsh and fearful circumstances.

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Atishay Jain

I’m a Corporate Professional, Speaker, Emcee, Podcaster and a Blogger.